In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, we inform you that METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC. is a company dedicated mainly to the manufacture of trophies and medals whose location is Carlos A. Carrillo No. 2147, Col. Lomas de Polanco, C.P. 44960, in the Municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco. Mexico, which is responsible for the processing of your personal data; a function that consists of collecting, managing, protecting and storing the personal data of your customers, prospects, suppliers, distributors and / or beneficiaries of any of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC products and / or services.
The data that is collected and / or requested will be used for the following purposes:
Commercial Purposes:
1. Realization of commercial transactions in physical, online and / or call center of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC products and / or services, realizing for this effect economic charges in cash, collection with credit / debit cards, checks or bank transfers, this derived from the commercial transactions of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC.
2. Perform commercial prospecting in physical, online and / or call center of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC products and / or services.
3. Granting credit to its customers for the commercialization of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC products or services.
4. Carry out a corresponding investigation of banking, personal and commercial references for the granting of credit to its clients.
5. Register and identify the owner of the data and your company.
6. Register and identify the owner of the data for the corresponding guarantees.
7. Home delivery service of products and / or services acquired by our customers.
8. Make the corresponding payments to your suppliers of the products and services purchased.
Fiscal Purposes:
1. Carry out the corresponding fiscal invoicing derived from the commercialization of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC products and / or services, with its clients and / or suppliers, in compliance with its fiscal obligations.
2. In case you make an electronic transaction to comply with the obligations that we have or will have with you, we will use your personal data to contact you or send you the products or services acquired.
Marketing purposes:
In order to make known to you the commercial information of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC, among which is to carry out commercial marketing activities of your products or services, changes in our products or services, request an evaluation of the quality of the service and any other promotional or question related to the products and / or services of METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC.
Secondary Purposes:
1. Marketing and promotion activities in physical and / or online (telemarketing and package mailing, discounts and / or new products or services), satisfaction survey.
2. Telephone calls for collection, location and verification of customer information, reminder and after sales follow-up, authorization of proposals and / or quotes, order forms and reminder of scheduled services, delivery-receipt of finished product, order confirmation, claims, as well as providing follow-up to projects, quotations and budgets, request data for parcel deliveries and quotations made, request commercial and personal references.
3. Sending emails to provide information, quotes, promotions and newsletters.
4. Sending SMS messages.
5. Publication and posting in various social networks for contact and customer loyalty and / or Suppliers.
6. Emails for tracking quotes, authorizations, job information and clarification and verification of data
Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition (A.R.C.O.).
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data, you have the right to know what personal data METALURGIA CREATIVA US has about you, what you use them for and the conditions of use (Access), as well as your right to request the correction of your personal information in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification), which is removed from the records or databases when you consider that it is not being used according to the principles, duties and obligations provided in the regulations (Cancellation), as well as oppose the processing of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known collectively and hereinafter as Rights A.R.C.O.
For the exercise of any of the Rights A.R.C.O. METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC, offers you the following procedure:
1. Office or Person in Charge of the Privacy of the Personal Data.
METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC, is responsible for the treatment and custody of personal data (hereinafter the Responsible), which will process your requests, address any questions you have about it and promote the protection of personal data within METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC .
For the above, the Responsible makes available the following forms of contact and receipt of information and related documentation:
1. Address: POBOX 8171 SANTA FE NM 87504
2. Personal Attention:
3. Request for Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition.
As the owner of your personal data, you may duly request our Request for Exercise of Rights A.R.C.O. and expressly with your name and handwritten signature may be delivered in person to the person in charge of processing your data at the address assigned for that purpose, or you may send the request by email to METALURGIA CREATIVA US / ORIGINAL RACING PRODUCTS LLC, clearly indicating your request for access, rectification , cancellation or opposition, regarding your personal data to the following electronic address: